Voluntary Seismic Upgrade
Long Beach Medical Center
c|a ARCHITECTS has provided seismic analysis and planning for the 1,000,000 square foot Long beach Medical Center since 1999. Partnering with Turner Construction, this design/build seismic upgrade project is based on preliminary seismic upgrade drawings by John A. Martin & Associates.
As the State of California has enacted seismic upgrade laws for California hospital facilities, we have reviewed, graded and proposed seismic upgrade solutions and recommendations on the future of 13 campus buildings. We have led a design team that has recommended upgrades or replacements for the various structures. A portion of our work has involved utilizing HAZUS, a FEMA-based program to reanalyze and justify risks associated with older structures. In addition to the analysis of the structural components of the building, we’ve provided assistance on the anchorage of the non-structural components of the buildings to eliminate the hazards associated with these elements. The voluntary seismic upgrades to the hospital’s main tower will enable the hospital to comply with SB1953 SPC 2 requirements.